......with the fast forward button on your TIVO or whatever means you use to time shift your boob tube favorites may make you miss some curious moments. My current favorite is the sleep aid with the pistachio colored butterfly or whatever that bug is. First of all I don't get the image...why is a fluttering bug supposed to make me want to buy this product? It's a moth or something isn't it? Moths eat sweaters and scarves and coats...where's the connection between garments with holes and sleep?
But the best part is the ever-present warnings about side effects...they may include drowsiness! Holy Sleep Mask, Batman! Excuse me but isn't that the idea behind a sleep aid?
And before I forget, on the subject of Super Bowl commercials, what about that Snickers ad with two guys doing a team chew on one candy bar! Gay rights groups are up in arms about it almost like the National Restaurant Association's indignation about this year's installment in the Nationwide Insurance freak parade with Fed-Ex slinging fries for a Happy Meal. Just picture the reaction if there had been a trio of mechanics lip-locking a Three Musketeers. Talk about a "Mr. Goodwrench" moment; we might have witnessed protests from advocacy groups we never even knew existed.
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